Elementary School – Milan Via Viscontini
In Milan, in via Viscontini, construction of a new elementary school entirely with a supporting structure in Xlam wood. The careful and conscious use of materials and shapes generates the overall language of the work.

Nursery School – Giuliano Teatino (Chieti)
The Municipality of Giuliano Teatino, in the province of Chieti, was one of the places hit by the 2009 Abruzzo earthquake. multipurpose center that housed a new school building. To combine the desire for a modern, environmentally friendly and eco-sustainable building with the need to build the nursery school in a short time and in […]

School Complex – San Possidonio (Modena)
The school complex located in San Possidonio, near Modena, was created to offer children a healthy and genuine environment, sustainable and with zero environmental impact. The structure covers a total area of about 1,600 square meters and is built with the Xlam construction system, which guarantees excellent anti-seismic properties and high energy efficiency.

School Complex – Reno Centese (Ferrara)
The new Reno Centese school consists of 4 structurally independent blocks: the first houses two sections of the kindergarten, in the middle the “hall and canteen”, followed by the block of the primary section and finally (to the west) the gym. A building, as highlighted by the designers, of 2,550 square meters made of wood […]
“Rock No War” School Complex – Medolla (Modena)
The new school in Medolla, in the Modena area, is an example of virtuous and supportive reconstruction in response to the violent earthquake of 2012, which made the old school complex unusable. The structure was built with cutting-edge techniques including our construction systems Xlam and glulam that guarantee maximum earthquake-resistance, insulation and high energy efficiency. […]

Kindergarten – Massa and Cozzile (Pistoia)
The nursery school of Massa e Cozzile (Pistoia) is a building whose prerogative is to guarantee living well-being through high standards of energy efficiency and thermal comfort, which make it a virtuous example of bio-architecture at the service of an environment dedicated to children. The structure, made entirely of Xlam is characterized by areas with […]

Nursery school – Castelfranco Emilia (Modena, Italy)
This nursery school was created to address the need to provide a modern day care service with innovative characteristics, as required by the Castelfranco Emilia municipal authorities, both in relation to the construction system and to the subsequent methods of use. Wood is the predominant material used in the nursery school project, both for the structural parts and for […]

Educational hub, Corporeno – Cento (Ferrara, Italy)
Inaugurated on 28 October 2012, the Corporeno – Cento educational hub (in the province of Ferrara) is composed of two timber buildings each with two storeys. The all-timber complex includes the middle school, elementary school, a 300 m2 refectory and a 650 m2 gymnasium. An all-wood state-of-the-art educational hub completed in 78 days The complex […]

Villaggio 1° Maggio school, Rimini (Italy)
Fifteen classrooms, seven workshops, a large staff room, a library/study room and a spacious central atrium. These are the features of the new all-timber school with workshops equipped with movable flexible partition walls to allow them to be adapted to meet various teaching and recreational requirements. The canteen has been divided into two separate areas […]